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Episodes tagged as public health
The Trauma They Carried, with Dr. Jordan Greenbaum
How do we identify kids at risk of child sex trafficking, and how do we address the trauma and pain victims of trafficking have survived and carry with them?
Neglect and the Ecosystem of Abuse, with Paul DiLorenzo
Paul DiLorenzo asks how we might interrupt the cycle of generational abuse by stopping the cycle of chronic neglect—and what prevents us from doing this right now?
Is Abuse Contagious? – with Dr. Dyann Daley
Dr. Dyann Daley takes a public health perspective on preventing child abuse and shows us how to find “hot spots” where prevention resources and services are needed most.
Child Abuse as a Public Health Issue, with Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau
Instead of a public health issue, child sexual abuse is still seen by many as a criminal justice problem, leading to a lack of government support for research into preventing